When: 2024-03-12, 6:30pm
Where: Emerald Flats Auditorium ■ 750 Eastern Ave NE (use the west entrance)
Minutes 2024-02-13: https://bit.ly/3V2ii6P
Agenda 2024-03-12: https://bit.ly/3uX0kbq
Guests: Mayoral candidate David LaGrand
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When: 2024-03-12, 6:30pm
Where: Emerald Flats Auditorium ■ 750 Eastern Ave NE (use the west entrance)
Minutes 2024-02-13: https://bit.ly/3V2ii6P
Agenda 2024-03-12: https://bit.ly/3uX0kbq
Guests: Mayoral candidate David LaGrand
In 2023 the Highland Park Neighborhood Association board will have seven openings; five expiring terms and two currently vacant seats [one full term, one short term].
Currently vacant board seats can be filled by the current board; nominations for these seats can be made by any current board member.
Expiring board terms will be chosen by election at the Highland Park Neighborhood Association at the Annual Meeting on October 17th, 2023. Following the election of the new board the board will appoint officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary).
If you would like to service on the Highland Park Neighborhood Dissociation Board, or know someone you feel should serve 🙂, nominations may be made in-person at any HPNA meeting, by mail (535 Shirley St NE, Unit A), by e-mail (hpnagr+nominations@gmail.com) or by voice/text to 616.259.4421. There is also a red dropbox at 535 Shirley St NE where you may leave a nomination.
A full board term is three years. Nominations are open until 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting (until September 17th, 2023).
Have any questions? Feel free to ask.