Proposed Bylaws Revision

At our September 2020 board meeting then board member Mary Podpolucki proposed an amendment to the bylaws of the association. This change removes the term-limits from the bylaws.

The proposal strikes the following bolded text from section G.

G. Nominating Process - A nominating committee shall be formed by the Board of Directors, excluding those running for re-election. The purpose of the nominating committee is to evaluate candidates for Board election and to oversee elections; it may propose a slate of candidates for adoptions by the general membership. Candidates shall not have served more than seven (7) consecutive years to be considered for an immediate subsequent three year term. Those individuals interested in serving on the Board should notify the nominating committee no later than thirty (30) days prior to the next general membership meeting. Should the committee propose a slate of candidates, another individual must nominate the interested individual from the floor during the general membership meeting.

This proposed change will be voted on at the January 21st, 2020 meeting of the board.