Board Meeting 2022-11-15

When: 2022-11-15, 6:30pm

Where: Emerald Flats Auditorium ■ 750 Eastern Ave NE

Minutes 2022-10-18

Agenda 2022-11-15

Gayle Harvey, the Community Affairs Analyst, for the City of Grand Rapids’ Office of Oversight and Public Accountability will be presenting on the role of the OPA and related topics. Our guest speaker has canceled.

What should the associations goals & objectives for 2022 be? E-mail us at

Board Meeting 2022-08-16

When: 2022-08-16, 6:30pm

Where: Emerald Flats Auditorium ■ 750 Eastern Ave NE

Minutes 2022-07-19

Agenda 2022-08-16:

We will have a guest at the beginning of the meeting; Katie Carpenter, Community Engagement & Co-Sponsor Developer for Bethany Christian Services of Michigan. An opprotunity to learn about our neighbor Bethany Christian Services with an emphasis on their refugee resettlement program.

UPDATE: The slide deck from Bethany Christian Services’ Refugee & Migrant Resettlement program is available @

Proposed calendar of events for 2022 is as follows:

  • August 27th, Dumpster Day

  • Sept. 17th, Highland Park Cleanup

What should the associations goals & objectives for 2022 be? E-mail us at

Board Meeting 2022-06-21

When: 2022-06-21, 6:30pm

Where: Emerald Flats Auditorium ■ 750 Eastern Ave NE

Minutes: 2022-04-21, 2022-05-19 (previous meeting)

Agenda 2022-06-21:

We will have a guest at the beginning of the meeting; Adam Erber, The RAPID (Community Relations Specialist)

Proposed calendar of events for 2022 is as follows:

  • July 16th, Party in the Park - rain date is July 23rd

  • August, Dumpster Day

  • Sept. 17th, Highland Park Cleanup

What should the associations goals & objectives for 2022 be? E-mail us at

Board Meeting 2022-05-19

When: 2022-05-19, 6:30pm

Where: Northeast Community Church of the Nazarene ■ 861 Fuller Ave NE

Minutes 2022-04-21: (previous meeting)

Agenda 2022-05-19:

Proposed calendar of events for 2022 is as follows:

  • April 23rd, Highland Park Cleanup

  • June 4th, Eastern Park Clean-Up & Highland Park Documentary Screening

  • June 18th, Highland Park Cleanup

  • July 16th, Party in the Park - rain date is July 23rd

  • August, Dumpster Day

  • Sept. 17th, Highland Park Cleanup

What should the associations goals & objectives for 2022 be? E-mail us at

Board Meeting 2022-04-21

When: 2022-04-21, for time see below.

Where: Weather permitting the board meeting will occur in Highland Park, next to the restrooms @ 6:10pm, otherwise the board meeting will be held at 861 Fuller Ave NE @ 6:30pm. A notice will be posted at the park if the meeting is moved to 861 Fuller. 861 Fuller Ave NE is the Northeast Community Church of the Nazarene.

Minutes 2022-03-17: (previous meeting)

Agenda 2022-04-21:

Proposed calendar of events for 2022 is as follows:

  • April 23rd, Highland Park Cleanup

  • June 4th, Eastern Park Clean-Up & Highland Park Documentary Screening

  • June 18th, Highland Park Cleanup

  • July 16th, Party in the Park - rain date is July 23rd

  • August, Dumpster Day

  • Sept. 17th, Highland Park Cleanup

  • Board meetings will remain on the third Thursday of the month through May. (5/19). The schedule for future board meetings will be determined at the April 21st board meeting.

What should the associations goals & objectives for 2022 be? E-mail us at

Board Meeting 2022-03-17

When: 2022-03-17 18:30 (6:30pm) - 20:00 (8:00pm)

Zoom Meeting Link:

Minutes 2022-02-17:

Agenda 2022-03-17:

Proposed calendar of events for 2022 is as follows:

  • April 23rd, Highland Park Cleanup

  • May 21st, Eastern Park Clean-Up & Highland Park Documentary Screening

  • June 18th, Highland Park Cleanup

  • July 16th or 23rd: Party in the Park

  • Sept. 17th, Highland Park Cleanup

  • Board meetings will remain on the third Thursday of the month through May. (4/21, 5/19)

What should the associations goals & objectives for 2022 be? E-mail us at

Board Meeting 2022-02-17

When: 2022-02-17 18:30 (6:30pm) - 20:00 (8:00pm)

Zoom Meeting Link:

Minutes 2021-01-20:

Agenda 2022-02-17:

We will have three guests joining us at this meeting. Danielle Friedman from Network 180 Tammy Britton from The City, and Capt. Mike Waldron from the Grand Rapids Fire Department (GRFD) representing the Grand Rapids HOT (Homeless Outreach Team). They will be followed by Sam Kallen from Housing NEXT to discuss zoning as it relates to vacant lots in the neighborhood.

Proposed calendar of events for 2022 is as follows:

  • April 23rd, Park Cleanup

  • June 18th, Park Cleanup

  • July 16th or 23rd: Party in the Park

  • Sept. 17th, Park Cleanup

  • Board meetings will remain on the third Thursday of the month through May. (3/17, 4/21, 5/19)

What should the associations goals & objectives for 2022 be? E-mail us at

Board Meeting 2022-01-20

When: 2022-01-20 18:30 (6:30pm) - 20:00 (8:00pm)

Zoom Meeting Link:

Minutes 2021-12-16:

Agenda 2022-01-20:

Help the association determine what is the best time for board meetings; take our “best day of the week” survey.

Tentatively scheduled events for 2022 are as follows:

  • Park Clean-ups: April 23, June 18, Sept. 17

  • Summer Party-In-the-Park: July 16th or 23rd

What should the associations goals & objectives for 2022 be? E-mail us at



Don't forget about our Moment-In-Time park survey you can fill out when visiting the park

Text Message Reminders & Notifications

If you would like to receive text messages from the Highland Park Neighborhood Association send a text with your name and the nearest street intersection (like "Union & Shirley" and we will add you to the list. Send a message to the HPNA phone# (616) 259-4421

Social Media algorithms on sites like Facebook are often burying posts about neighborhood news and events, e-mail sometimes go to SPAM/Junk, etc... Text messages are an easy convenient way to stay in the know about meetings, events, and important news.

We won't send more than one text a week, typically it is 1 - 2 messages a month.

Highland Park - Moment in Time Survey

Do you visit our neighborhood parks?

The Highland Park neighborhood is home to three: Eastern Park, at Eastern Flats apartments on the grounds of the former Eastern School; ‘The Gulch,’ a natural area with trails in the northwest corner of the neighborhood; and of course, Highland Park, the historic, 28-acre park for which we are named.

Whether you jog, walk your dog, or play disc golf in our parks, you may sometimes notice fallen trees, broken equipment, litter, or other items that need to be repaired, reported or removed. We encourage you to report them to the HPNA using our new Moment in Time Survey, a simple Google form created to help us stay abreast of issues and to generate a pool of baseline data for shaping future planning and activities.

The link to the survey is here:

Especially if you’re a frequent parks visitor, please consider adding a shortcut to the form on the home screen of your cell phone for quick and convenient reporting. We thank you in advance for your help!

Amazon Lockers @ Embassy Suites

Concerned about having packages delivery and left on your doorstep or porch? The Embassy Suites in Monroe North now has Amazon lockers in the lobby. If you have your packages sent to the lockers you will receive a code when it is delivered - just walk up to the kiosk and retrieve you package.

Amazon lockers, in the nook behind the coffee counter.

Amazon lockers, in the nook behind the coffee counter.

Using locker and depot delivery is also a way to both reduce the ecological impact of package delivery as well as have fewer delivery vehicles driving around the neighborhood.

Embassy Suits by Hilton is located at 710 Monroe Ave NW

Embassy Suits by Hilton is located at 710 Monroe Ave NW

You can read more about using locker delivery here.